L’association Bokra Sawa souhaite donner l’opportunité à un jeune volontaire français de partir 2 mois en Turquie afin de participer à l’organisation d’activités en direction de la jeunesse avec l'association Karaman Youth Club NGO.
Pour plus de détails, retrouvez toutes nos offres de mobilités sur :
Ou vous pouvez nous contacter par mail à infos@bokrasawa.org, par téléphone au 06 48 33 46 16
ou dans nos locaux situé au 1 rue consolat 13001 Marseille.
Did you write the article yourself or you hired someone to do it?
I was wondering because I am a site owner too and struggle with writing new content all the time.
Someone told me to use AI to do create articles which I am kinda considering because
the output is almost written by human. Here is
the sample content they sent me – https://sites.google.com/view/best-ai-content-writing-tools/home
Let me know if you think I should go ahead and use
Did you write the article yourself or you hired someone to do it?
I was wondering because I am a site owner too and struggle with writing new content all the time.
Someone told me to use AI to do create articles which I am kinda considering because
the output is almost written by human. Here is
the sample content they sent me – https://sites.google.com/view/best-ai-content-writing-tools/home
Let me know if you think I should go ahead and use